Adding Users to the Directory
Adding a Single User
- In the LocknCharge Cloud, click on “Users” in the left-hand menu
- Click the ‘Add User’ button
- Enter specific details about the user. These include:
- Name
- RFID or PIN: Assign either or both, these credentials will be used by the user to access the FUYL Locker bays
- Tags (Optional)
- External Reference ID (Optional)
- Once all the necessary details are filled in, click ‘Save’
Note: The user may need to be added to a group or assigned to appropriate nodes, lockers or bays to allow access.
Import Users with a CSV
- In the LocknCharge Cloud, click on “Users” in the left-hand menu
- Click the ‘Bulk Actions’ button, followed by ‘Import Users’
- Download the linked import template CSV, which demonstrates the correct format.
- Modify the CSV to include the users to import. Fields include:
- name
- pin
- rfid (take note whether hexadecimal or decimal values)
- externalRefId
- tags
- groups
- With a CSV prepared, click the ‘Choose file’ button and select the modified CSV.
- Select RFID format (see 4c)
- Select ‘Import’
The ‘Delete all existing users before import’ option is destructive when enabled. Ensure any existing users can be safely removed before using this option.
The import process can take time to process. Once finished, an email is sent to the administrator performing the import with results, including any errors encountered.
Export Users to CSV
- In the LocknCharge Cloud, click on “Users” in the left-hand menu
- Search for or filter the users requiring export (optional)
- Click the ‘Bulk Actions’ button, followed by ‘Export Users’
- Export and download the linked CSV, which contains existing users.
The export process can take time to process. Once finished, an email is sent to the administrator performing the export with results, including any errors encountered.
Maximum user limits
Maximum users per user group is unlimited, however there is a maximum limit (5000) to how many users you can add at once, if adding users to user groups via the LocknCharge Cloud. If you are adding users to user groups as you import into the directory, this limit does not apply.
Maximum users and user groups combined that can be authorised to a group of lockers, specific lockers or a specific bay is 1000.
If you intend to authorise more than 1000 users, users should be grouped and user groups should be authorised.
To add users to groups during the csv import process, the group must already exist in the LocknCharge Cloud and the spelling/casing must be an exact match.
Updating Users in the Directory
Update a Single User
- In the LocknCharge Cloud, click on “Users” in the left-hand menu
- Search for or filter the users requiring update (optional)
- Select the user requiring changes.
- Update specific details about the user. These include:
- Name
- RFID or PIN: Ensure either or both are selected, these credentials are used by the user to access the FUYL Locker bays
- Tags (Optional)
- External Reference ID (Optional)
The user’s assignments can also be viewed here, which may help in diagnosing access issues. To change user assignments, see Assign individual users to a node, locker or bay.
- Once all the necessary details are updated, click ‘Save’
Update Users with a CSV
- In the LocknCharge Cloud, click on “Users” in the left-hand menu
- Search for or filter the users requiring update (optional)
- Click the ‘Bulk Actions’ button, followed by ‘Update Users’
- Export and download the linked CSV, which contains existing users in a compatible format for upload.
- Modify the CSV to include the users to update. Fields include:
- id
- name
- pin
- rfid (ensure format matches across all users)
- externalRefId
- tags
- Groups
Note: It is safe (and advisable) to remove the rows of users not requiring changes for a quicker import.
- With the CSV prepared, click the ‘Choose file’ button and select the modified CSV.
- Select ‘Update’
The update process can take time to process. Once finished, an email is sent to the administrator performing the update with results, including any errors encountered.
Integrating with LDAP
On the Advanced Tier it is possible to integrate the LocknCharge Cloud with your own Active Directory, Google Workspace or Okta directory service. As this can be more complex to configure, setup help is available in the LDAP Configuration article.