Add Admins to the Directory
Note: Only “Owner” accounts can modify or add new Admins (of any permission level).
- Once signed into LocknCharge Cloud, click on the Account Preferences button (Gear/Cog Icon in the top right).
- Click on the “Admins” Tab
- Click on “Create Admin”
- Select a role (link to roles description below)
- Owner and Admin accounts only require an email address, as they are invited to create their accounts. A PIN and optional RFID identifier can be assigned if locker access is required.
- Station Admins cannot access the LocknCharge Cloud, and as such, only require a name to identify them by and are assigned a PIN and, optionally, an RFID identifier.
- Click “Save”
Owners have the highest level of administrative control over both the LocknCharge Cloud and the lockers. They can create any users, including inviting other Owners, Admins and creating Station Admins. Owners are responsible for creating custom roles (if the subscription tier allows) and have access to all features and settings in the LocknCharge Cloud.
Note: At least one Owner is required for every account to ensure complete administrative oversight.
Admins have almost the same level of access as Owner, but with certain limitations, including:
- Admins cannot invite, modify or delete Owners, cannot create or delete Station Admins, but can view the list of Admins/Owners/Station Admins for reference.
- Admins cannot change account-level settings, such as enabling 2FA or deleting the account.
- Admins cannot access the integrations menu or any of the settings within (if the subscription tier allows).
They can still manage the majority of the LocknCharge Cloud's functionalities and settings.
Station Admins
Station Admins are able to access the administration menu on the lockers themselves, but cannot access the LocknCharge Cloud. This is useful to assign to day-to-day administrators on-site that might need the ability to manually open a bay, clear credentials or look up troubleshooting information for remote support for example.